Bachelor of Divinity


(4 years for graduates, 5 years for +2/12/intermediate, and 2 years for BTh Upgraders) - Serampore Affiliated

The majority of UBS students take the BD degree affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College. This is a four year residential for candidates with with a recognised degree. This course intends to prepare the candidate for Christian ministry. BD graduates of UBS are now engaged in a various ministries in India and overseas. Many are ordained as ministers in their denominations, others serve in parachurch organizations and some teach in seminaries and Bible colleges.


Candidates should hold a Bachelor Degree for applying to 4 years BD, have completed +2 or 12th or intermediate for 5 years BD, and pass the entrance examination set by UBS. Those sponsored by the member bodies of the Union Biblical Seminary Association will be given priority of admission, provided they meet the above entrance requirements.

Download Application here